Tuesday, December 5, 2006

King of the Retards

Recently I had a conversation with some one that prompted so much thought I’ve had to begin writing down my thoughts in order to continue thinking on the matter. This particular individual and I are antithetical in almost every way. However, although we disagree on almost everything we deeply appreciate each other and remain truly close friends. The subject of conversation was, as it frequently is, God and faith.

My friends position is that faith in a God, particularly my God (the triune God; father, son, and spirit), is nothing more than a crutch for my weak mind. He contends that the idea of God gives mankind hope in a hopeless world, and acts as a placebo allowing people to see the coincidental as miraculous, the positive as blessing, and the negative as divine providence. He believes in moral relativism, and advocates an existential approach to life. Of course out of respect for our friendship he omits me from the weak minded masses J

As I’ve been thinking on the matter I have to say that I disagree with his omission of my membership in the mindless masses. If faith in God is for the weak minded then I’m the chief of the retards!!! And proud of it!

We are artists, musicians, teachers, professors, inventors, civil servants, doctors, lawyers, skilled tradesmen, nurses, and pilots. We are blue collar, white collar, and everything in between. Our faith has changed the course of human history and defined a moral standard used around the world. We boast some of histories greatest thinkers, and those who have served our God have aided in shaping the foundations of countries.

True lovers of God are called upon to trade the vast majority of their physical desires for a life of discipline and service, to live in constant introspection and adaptation, and to constantly expand our thinking by veracious reading, and study of the ancient texts. We deny ourselves sexual passions until marriage, we live free of many common substances, and we give our lives for others. Christian spirituality is a joyful, but difficult life.

If faith in God is a crutch, it isn’t a very good one!

Personally, if I were looking for a crutch I would look for something that made me feel good. I’d indulge in all of my physical passions, and use substances to anesthetize the pain. I’d crown myself the highest form of life and then live based on my own moral standards. I’d deny the existence of a God and serve myself as supreme. I would explain away the supernatural with generalities and platitudes and live in the freedom of my own imagination. The only God in my life would be me! Now that sounds like fun.

If there’s a crutch in this life, it isn’t my faith.

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